Firstly, you’re going to need a couple of packages for this method. The required packages are as follows;
Author: Luke
I was that weird kid with long hair at school that didn't participate in or enjoy sports, listened to heavy music and generally didn't like people. later in life I would go on to become an IT manager amongst many things whilst the popular kids became parents at a young age and ruined the rest of their lives.
This is my site, amongst many other things my passions include reptiles, loud music, web development, open source software, bearding and motorbikes. I write about my interests at no regular interval and in no particular order. You may not like this, you may love it, I'm not bothered either way.
Anchor Church

Pretty much zero planning got us to this place, I’d had it in mind to visit here for a long while after Dawn told me about it. Next up I’ll give a little history about the place courtesy of Wikipedia (thus rendering it most likely false);
Goin’ Underground, Goin’ Underground…

Firstly, a little background, lifted directly from Wikipedia as I am not ashamed to admit that I know very little about this place that isn’t already documented elsewhere…
Anyone for Chocolate?

After attempting 2 other places today and being presented with a building site and a large expanse of rubble we decided to head to this wonderful building. The odd sign here and there showed us what some of the rooms had previously been used for and the odd part was damaged by the infamous fire (which didn’t actually seem to have destroyed much in my eyes).
Lungs full of asbestos but happy as pigs in shit, goes to show that there actually is something worth seeing in Belper besides awesome deals on tasty meat!
Willington 5 Brothers Cooling Towers

A few weeks back, on a random drive out (let’s see what’s down here) we happened to see a bunch of old cooling towers appearing over the horizon. Upon closer inspection we noticed that what would have once been buildings next to the towers were now rubble so we decided to have a nosey.
A little bit of history about the place (stolen from Wikipedia)…
In the 1950s, two coal-fired power stations were built on a site off Twyford Road, between Willington and Findern. The stations were privatised and sold to National Power in the early 1990s and eventually closed in the mid-1990s. Although most of the stations were demolished at the turn of the millennium, the five cooling towers continue to dominate the skyline of the local area. The site[9] is earmarked for a large residential development, pending the results of a public inquiry. The construction plans have been met with local opposition, perhaps due to the site’s proximity to the River Trent’s flood plain.
In the mid-1990s a pair of peregrine falcons nested in one of the site’s huge cooling towers. Unlike many bird of prey breeding sites, this was widely publicised because of its impregnable location.
All in all, a very nice afternoon’s exploration, the resulting pictures are here…
It’s been one of those weeks…
Central Beardsmen First Meet

So the Central Beardsmen had their first meet, here’s the photographic results that I’ve collated so far. Top bunch, had a really good laugh.
Don’t think Ripley knew what had hit it.
Beard on Mofos!
Growing Old Disgracefully

I’m rather convinced that the Reef​ gig last week has broken me. I’m still buzzing from it 4 days later and I’ve not listened to another band since. Furthermore it’s left me contemplating whether I actually enjoy seeing metal bands live any more as they just don’t give me the same feeling as that gig did.
Yorkshire Beard Day

It was recently brought to my attention by my friend Andy (Mr. Blessed) that he had met a Mr. Michael Wallage who had informed him of an event happening in Scarborough where bearded gentlemen such as ourselves gather and hold a competition to judge who has the most splendid facial fur in all the land. I could not resist and so off we headed for sunny Scarborough.
Corrosion of Conformity

Just a short one, saw these a couple of weeks back (March 9th 2015). My god they were good, nice to see Pepper Keenan back where he should be. Down are alright but these have always held a special place in my heart.