Blog Photographs

Ashover Rock

Turned right out of work yesterday (I usually turn left and head home). Wound up at Ashover rock (The Fabrick), here’s the photographic results…

Blog Photographs

The Flaming Lips – The greatest show on Earth!

It has to be said that if you want an enjoyable evening then there is nothing quite like a Flaming Lips gig. No rubber bubble this time (Rock City is probably a bit small for that kind of behaviour) but my word… giant screens, huge strobes, confetti cannons, baby dolls, 4 new members and a whole night club full of people grinning like Cheshire cats.

Blog Photographs Uncategorized

Lancia Delta Integrale

Rob Rob is selling a car but eBay is acting up regarding adding photos so here they are…

Here’s the ad…


The latest happenings in the bearded lifestyle

So, I have changed jobs, not overly amazed but it’ll certainly do me pay wise but other than that it’s boring. Sitting at a desk in the darkened corner of an industrial unit sounds about as appealing as it really is. Being creative to the sounds of a call centre isn’t an easy task by any stretch of the imagination.

I’ve bought a new vehicle however, one seriously sexy beast, ladies and gentlemen, I bring to you, the 1999 Honda VFR800 FI-X…


Beardchops goes live

I have decided it would be best to separate my social and professional online identities and so I have moved everything not work related to this new domain. I hope you enjoy it, there will be a better update soon.

Blog Web Design

Time to get shifting


Just a quick one, things have been chaotic for a bit, I’m back on my feet, walking in straight lines, driving and getting on rooftops. The bike is nearly back up and running, MOT on the way and it’s all good to go again but suddenly had to find somewhere else to live. Fortunately I have found a new house, I may go quiet for a while whilst my whole world is on it’s arse for a week or two but have no fear, I shall be back.

Blog Photographs

My old schoolbooks



Android TV toyings

I recently purchased myself a MK808 android stick for use with the 32″ LCD TV I recently mounted on my bedroom wall. I had a few things that I wished to achieve with it, these were;

  1. Connect to my media server and play files (XBMC hopefully)
  2. Angry Birds in bed on a large screen
  3. Hassle free iplayer/4od
  4. Newsgroup management

RIP Mac Daddy

Legendary music from a pair of legends…

[embedplusvideo height=”465″ width=”584″ standard=”″ vars=”ytid=010KyIQjkTk&width=584&height=465&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep8335″ /]

Blog Photographs

Beards and Hats